I will absolutely sign up for one of your future classes or workshops! :)

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Yaaaaay, I love getting your newsletter in my inbox, happy to have you whenever you can. And DITTO re: signing up for potential future writing class/workshop/retreats…..

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Love this heartfelt and transparent post. I LLOL (literally laughed out loud as my sisters and I say) at this: “I’ve thought if I consciously knew how to craft good writing, then I’d be busy doing that not sitting on my ass quietly freaking out all the time, worrying that what I’m writing has no literary merit and doesn’t make any sense.” Too good.

As someone who writes mostly about motherhood, I would love to learn from you—craft tips, sure, but mostly to be in the presence of someone who allows her integrity, conviction, and values to guide the pen. Sign me up.

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This was such an engaging and honest read. I so appreciate the view into your real life because I am a nosy person who is forever curious about the inner workings of other peoples' lives. I read Like a Mother when I was pregnant with my first baby and just read Essential Labor (while I am potentially pregnant with #2!). Both books have fundamentally alerted the way I see myself as a mother and other caregivers around me. Thank you for your work and your brain - we are all lucky to learn from you!

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Thank you for the kind words. Always here to read and learn from you as much as you have to give!

Newsletter game is no joke and taking so much outta me lately…! It’s better to get out before you’re too deep 😂

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I will literally read a newsletter from you whenever you feel like writing one! It’s a treat every time.

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Do you, girl!

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It’s great to hear from you whenever it works! Glad you’re not stressing about it. Bring on the workshops whenever the time is right!

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So here for this! Also - yes yes yes always "slow hell of writing."

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I deeply appreciated this read and your transparency. I wish for all the high-paying speaking gigs for you!

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